Crystals are beautiful rock formations that have amazed humans for thousands of years. Crystals are efficient absorbers and transmitters of energy. One of their function is to cleanse and transmute negative energies. 
Deep beneath the Earth’s surface lies the magma chamber produced by the hot spot in the Earth – as the magma moves towards the earth’s surface, it crystallises to form young hot igneous rocks and the heat from these rocks drives ground water towards the earth’s surface. As the water cools,  ions precipitate out as mineral crystals. 
Crystals are the Earth’s DNA, a chemical imprint of evolution. Crystals are formed under the Earth’s crust over millions of years. They are conscious beings and have high frequencies. 
Under the intense heat and pressure diamonds are formed under the Earth’s crust and the other heavy minerals evolve into precious stones and crystals. These Crystals become transparent to the light …..the light of Conciousness and hence they vibrate at a HIGHER FREQUENCY. 
There is energy, light & consciousness contained within them which helps to raise one’s awareness and also helps to remove energy blockages from the Chakras – YOUR ENERGY CENTRES.
Removing energy blockages help to release negativity, cleanses the aura, heals from illness, depression & negative thinking patterns. 
Just like everything else Crystals have their own vibrational frequency. We human beings have unstable vibrations and can be easily influenced. It changes constantly as we are exposed to social media, good and bad news, memories, experiences etc. 
Crystals on the other hand have a stable energy frequency that doesn’t change as they are made of perfect geometric atoms and molecules. The more stable the energy of the Crystal, the more powerful one’s energy becomes and a powerful energy can influence energies around it. 
People have been drawn to different crystals for centuries because they enhance the intuitive abilities and their power is not limited to their physicality. They open doors to manifestation and another realms of spirit. Each Crystal picks a person and not the other way around. It comes into your life for a good reason of stabilising your energy and cleansing your Chakras. Crystals are used for many different things not just for jewellry or decoration. Many of the first radios ever invented used crystals to transmit the radio waves. They are used in most electronics as they are energy magnifiers. 
So honour your intuition and go for the crystal that calls you, enjoy their energy and align within. 
Much Love & Light 
Team Selene